Once you complete your registration steps you can prepare your business profile to publicly display your business services. You can register your business here
Step 1: Create a Member Account for your business
Who can register a business?
Business name and Australian Business Number (ABN)
Step 2: Complete the Business Registration Form
Step 3: Choose a business membership subscription plan
STEP 1: Create a Business Member Account for your business
If you do not have a Member Account please complete the steps to set up a member account here first.
Alternatively from the website homepage select register your business. You will be guided through the following set up steps so you can then register your business.
If you do have a Member Account and you are logged in complete Step 2.
Who can register a business?
You can register a business to provide services if you are;
- a business owner; or
- authorised to represent the business on its behalf (eg; company or organisation representative); and
- over 18 years of age.
Business name and Australian Business Number (ABN)
You will need a registered business name and an ABN.
Note: if you need to create a business name or an ABN, or if you need to check information about business registrations, more information is available from the Australian Business Register.
Registration process summary
Register your business here
STEP 2: Complete the Business Registration Form
If your business already has an Member Account log in and select the ‘Register a business‘ link on the homepage. This link will display business registration information and has a link to the Business Registration Form.
Completing the Business Registration Form
Complete the Business Registration Form by adding the registered name of the business, ABN, business address (and mailing address if this is different), postcode, telephone number and other business details in the Form.
Business verification process
When we receive a Business Member Registration Form we will out a carry out registration verification checks on your business name and ABN. This ensures there is consistent information available for website customers to view. Where necessary other verification checks will be carried out. This will occur while you set up your business profile webpage.
STEP 3: Choose a business membership subscription plan
To complete the registration steps you need to choose a membership plan. There is no current fee for setting up a member account. As part of setting up a free account card details are entered but not recorded on the system. Use the Business Details section on your account dashboard to complete this part of the process.
Note: the website does not store your payment details (eg; credit card details) as these are stored by a third party payment gateway service on a secure server.
Payments for services
(a) credit card
All major cards are accepted (American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa) Note: the transaction amount will include a standard merchant processing fee of 2.5% of the transaction amount. The processing of payments is by an independent secure, industry standard payment gateway business.
Note: the website does not store your payment details (eg; credit card details) as these are stored by a third party payment gateway service on a secure server.
(b) direct deposit (EFT) to;
ANZ; Account name: Discover Value
BSB: 017214; Account number: 2824 54966,
Customer Support: If you have any queries, or if you would prefer to process payments by phone, then please contact Customer Support.
More information
Register your business here
Business member profiles
Discover Special Value resources
Information and resources about the website, resources and links.
Background: Discover Special Value project
Summary of how it works; objectives; contributions and collaboration; resources; features; making a difference and giving back; and other information.
Discover Special Value brochure
Summary of more information about objectives and outcomes; how it works; participants and other information.
Register your business
Create your special value services.