Business Member profiles




Summary of profile set up steps

Setting up a profile

Further business information


Summary of steps to set up a business webpage profile


Business profile - introduction

After you have created your Business Member Account you can complete your business webpage profile; see an example here. This is where your business displays and promotes its business services using the Discover Special Value webpage for your business profile information.
Your business profile needs to outline the solutions and benefits your business can provide to customers. There are many options to take advantage of once your profile is completed. Find out more about profiles and the advantages they provide hereThere are many free website tools, tips and resources available for you to use straight away to set up a comprehensive profile. If you need more information or any assistance with setting up the profile contact Customer Support here.


Create your business profile - introduction


The main steps to set up your business profile are set out below. As you complete the set up steps those remaining will be highlighted in your Business Member Account.

(1) Business categories and subcategories

Select categories and subcategories for your business services.

(2) Business descriptions (short and longer descriptions)

Include business background information and experience; skills and expertise; customer services and other business information. The short description also appears in searches. 

(3) Special Value Features

Include a minimum of one feature linked to each separate business service.

(4) Business logo

Upload a logo.

(5) Business image/photos

Upload images.

(6) Business verifications

List verifications which are relevant and current to the services your business carries out. Verifications are important trust elements and include; relevant business accreditations; qualifications; registrations; certificates; or licences required to carry out the business services.

Confirm your business has current public liability insurance and other relevant insurances.

(7) Business documentation

In your dashboard you can upload business documents (PDFs) relating to services work (eg; documents relating to quotes for services; standard terms and conditions or other documents). These can be linked to your quotes so customers can see them.


Create your business profile - steps



Business Members can register many different business services. In the search areas of website pages you can see examples of different categories and subcategories. List each business service under the most suitable business category and subcategory. These can be changed in your Member Account dashboard settings. If you are not sure what category to list your services under or would like a new category added just let Customer Support know.

Tip: list your business services in the category that customers will most likely search and look for them in.

Listing in relevant sub categories will also help customers find your services.


The business profile is an important opportunity to communicate to customers why they should choose your services instead of others. Talk about what you do and how you do it, and include calls to action for customers to act now and take up your offers. Show how your business is different and why customers should choose you services.

Highlight your business;

  • background information;
  • experience, skills, expertise;
  • customer services;
  • networks relevant to your services; and
  • other business information.


Therefore, not only show customers how you will meet their expectations but how your business can potentially exceed them every time they use your services.


The use of special value features is a way to distinguish you services from other businesses. There are many ways to add further value and add more benefits using this process. These features are 'built' into each process so additional benefits are available each time customers use services.

(a) Special Value Features link to each of the services

Each business service must have at least one special value feature linked to them.

(b) Special Value Features with ‘free’ components

Where a special value feature has ‘free’ a component this needs to be provided as a ‘free’ component (ie; not included in the overall cost of particular services).

(c) Add your Special Value Features

In your Business Member Account in the Special Value Features tab select create new Special Value Feature option. The Special Value Features Form is then displayed which needs completing.

(i) Description of Special Value Feature

Describe the type of special value feature (ie; the name of the feature).

(ii) Type of feature

Select the type of feature; this is the type that will display in website searches.

(iii) Category

Link each special value feature to a services category.

(iv) Expiry dates

Select an expiry date so the feature remains current (this date can be edited).

(v) Information and conditions

Include more information about your feature in this section including conditions. Highlight important aspects and value-based benefits that apply. Show ‘free’ components of a feature separately; that is, either show or confirm ‘free’ components are not included in the overall cost of the linked services.

(vi) Managing your Special Value Feature

When you have completed the steps to create a special value feature select submit to link the special value feature to your services. You can edit or delete special value features. Deleted features are listed in the archive section of the tab. 

Note: your business will still require every service to be linked to a special value feature even when some are deleted.


Your business logo and your own website are important trust element for customers to identify with. Business logos are important as they add to business value and reputation and are a point of difference from other businesses. Therefore they are an important link to your customers. It is easy to add them from your dashboard. If you do not have a logo available, a business image can be used instead.


Multiple, good quality images are a very effective way to catch attention and another important trust element. They are a very important way generate more interest and inquiries for your business as they can be the first thing customers look for. Uploading business images to your business profile portfolio is easy. Show examples of your services where you can or images relating to what you do or where you work from. More views on your business page mean more potential interest. Images can be updated as necessary.


The profile elements mentioned above are important ways to build customer confidence in your business. For example, name, business background and experience, special value features, logo, and images. Your customers will look for other information and compare your profile information with other service providers. Therefore, the more information and updating of your information the more likely this will increase the likelihood of getting more work.

(a) Business verification information

Many customers need to be satisfied about things to do with businesses before they have sufficient trust or motivation to complete purchases. Business verification information includes business approvals, licences, insurance and other operational requirements.

(b) Add more business verification information

Therefore, add more reasons for customers to rely on your business services by confirming your business has current,

  • public liability insurance; and
  • business verifications in place depending on the services you provide.


(c) Examples of business verification information

Some of the following examples may be relevant to your type of business;

  • business accreditations, qualifications, registrations, certificates, licenses;
  • business insurance policies;
  • business policies and procedures; (eg; privacy; security refund; OHS; standard terms etc);
  • business memberships, affiliations, professional associations and networks;
  • business fees and costs; hourly rates; and other business charges; and
  • other relevant forms of verifications.


(d) Examples of business verification information

Add business documents to your business profile. You can add business documents from your dashboard. They can include standard terms and conditions, rates, fees etc. 


When you have added your business profile information it will be publicly displayed straight away unless there are any reasons it is not able to be completed or displayed.


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Further information

Discover Special Value resources

Information and resources about the website, resources and links.


Background: Discover Special Value project 

Summary of how it works; objectives; contributions and collaboration; resources; features; making a difference and giving back; and other information.

Discover Special Value brochure

Summary of more information about objectives and outcomes; how it works; participants and other information.