Background to project

This project by its nature requires contributions and collaboration to create and add more value-based benefits.

The financial or non-financial benefits can then be included with each transaction to make a difference for customers, social, community and environmental organisations and other stakeholder programs. In this way more can be given back for the benefit of these stakeholders, their programs and participants.

This process will target the very important needs our stakeholders have identified and those ongoing needs requiring more support for.

For example;

  • ongoing needs of disadvantaged members of our communities;
  • important social and community care and health needs;
  • employment creation, support and training programs and other business support needs;
  • environmental needs;
  • animal care needs; and
  • other stakeholder programs they have identified: find out more background information here


Making a Difference

Resources, participation and involvement


Summary: as this a collaborative project this project will require further resources and collaboration to develop its capacity further to deliver on its objectives for the next phases: more resources based information here


Summary: bring together communities, businesses and people from across Australia; creating benefits; importance of collaboration and contributions; free to register; free help available to set up a profile; free help to create benefits and market them. 

Scope of Project

Summary: project nature and extent; involves both sectors; large potential groups of customers, public/community sector businesses and community stakeholders (sleeping giant), and private sector businesses and others; scalable across both sectors; local, national and potential international application and use; leverage capacity to generate even more value-based benefits on long term basis from networks; other sector information and benefits -  brochure

Stage 1  Research

Stage 2  Industry issues and challenges


Adding value to Business Services

Summary: adding value to create more benefits to deliver; special value features and examples; making a difference; building value and obtaining benefits with each transaction; giving back processes and payment examples; maximising the value and benefits for participants, for communities and their environments.

Small/Micropayments systems

Development of Project

Summary: prior research and development stages; extent and nature of national and international research; input and involvement of business, customers and stakeholders during these stages; development of website 2012-2013; next stages; values and other importnat elements form core of structure;  social, community, economic and environmental challenges and opportunities; other development features and other services and products.

How it Works

Summary: free registration process; summary of processes; special value features create or highlight value; creation of profiles; process brings together customers, businesses, community-based organisations to create and add long term benefits; more value-adding by collaboration; more commercial or non-commercial benefits.

Value Creation and Sharing Diagram

Power of Shared Value

Summary: collaboration, sharing and networking creates and adds more value to processes and outcomes; theory is actively used in all sectors by small, medium, large businesses and multinationals; providing way to improve business financial performance and sustainability; large growth sector for Australia and elsewhere (eg; by changing customer demand; new technological device options; data management, NBN etc);  further shared/blended value information

Social Enterprise Model

Summary: commercial and non-commercial business structure for both private and public sector outcomes to be developed; requires further resources and investment; shared/blended value information

Website Systems and Structure

Summary: features developed during prior stages to reach operational readiness; features to be further developed; new features; outcomes features deliver; customers; businesses and special value features; community-based businesses and stakeholders; other information - see brochure


Summary: revenue information; customers; fee structure for business members; free registration period applicable; membership registration fees payable will have the capacity to be offset by the additional benefits or rewards available to be gained by members for a subscription fee period so there can be a nil/low impact from applicable fees; other fees to apply for other services after initial period.

Promotion, Marketing and Marketing

Summary: promotion by using the website services, special features as incentives; feature services on website and other media doing some good; customer or community support return; more value for customers, businesses and stakeholders.

Further information, links and resources

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How to make a difference

This project requires more collaboration and involvement to work effectively.  A main purpose is to bring together the private and public sectors in Australia to create positive social, economic, community and environmental outcomes on a financially sustainable basis.

This collaborative project has lots of potential to give back to support and provide ongoing financial and other resources to support stakeholders, their programs and participants.

Resources, participation and involvement

In order for the website project to have the capacity to deliver on these important objectives during the next phases, and to complete some further development requirements and other milestones more resources are needed. This is because it is by its nature a collaborative project and contributions are needed through this further stage to build its capacity to reach these objectives.

Therefore, the project needs more resources, partner, stakeholder and sponsor involvement.

It also needs more ongoing collaboration and contributions from the public, businesses and stakeholders. It needs all these elements to reach its financial, member participation and operational targets to become sustainable.

This will occur at the point the forecast revenue is generated. It can then begin other scheduled phases and progressively implement its own 'giving back' to those that contribute during this nest phase and contribute to the social, economic, community and environmental outcomes as outlined.

Business development requirements

Contributions are needed from persons which are consistent with the goals of the project and have suitable skills and industry knowledge (ie; commercial and/or stakeholder backgrounds/experience/knowledge etc). Contributions are needed for;

  • business management; partnering; providing resources;
  • marketing (to both sectors);
  • building stakeholder relationships and other relationships;
  • project management;
  • developing a social enterprise business model (commercial and non-commercial structure);
  • website development (eg; for listing products and other proposed development work);
  • business performance measurement (eg; social return on investment);
  • further financial, marketing, and business planning.


Contributors, partners and resources needed for next stages

Please contact Discover Special Value if you are interested in contributing or collaborating on the project. 

Adding value this way will create a win for all participants.


Telephone: 0411095335

Contact Discover Special Value here

Hobart, Tasmania.



A main purpose of the Discover Special Value website is to bring together communities, businesses and people from across Australia, and elsewhere to make a positive difference.

Website features make it possible for more value to be created and then for that extra value to be added to business services listed on the website.

This means the additional value added by a business can create more benefits for their customers. It can also create more benefits for many social, economic, community and environmental areas that are in need of support.

The many private sector and community sector businesses and organisations can add more value to their services, or identify more existing value by using these special features.

Creating benefits

As this website develops further it can by the creation of the additional value provide more and more benefits this way for communities, participating businesses, other stakeholders and the environment. This will also include financial and other resources to help stakeholders provide their services and enable them to provide other assistance to persons and projects most in need.

Contributing to positive outcomes

The website is designed to bring the private and public sectors together with their customers, supporters and others so they can contribute to positive changes and make a difference. Importantly, the benefits of the additional value can be used to give back to communities or customers depending on the type of benefits created.

It can help facilitate the needs of the “sleeping giants” in Australia!

However, many people, businesses and communities need to participate and contribute in order to effectively achieve these positive outcomes. There are many benefits available from doing so!

Supporting project outcomes

All the organisations, businesses and people we have talked to are very supportive about this project and what it can do for them, their stakeholders, communities and their environment. This includes important organisations and representatives from both sectors.

As the project moves into its next phase stakeholders and businesses will complete the free registration process, create their profiles and then be able to provide more value and gain more benefits.

Research for this project commenced approximately 2 years ago and was followed by analysis and testing. Website technical development work commenced in late 2012. As the website is operational there is an opportunity for many people to contribute so the project can reach its next development stages and its milestones.

Collaboration and contributions are very important as they are needed now to make this project work effectively during its next phases.

Collaboration and contributions needs to occur progressively so lots of benefits can be delivered to do more good.

The project is therefore also an opportunity for people, businesses and organisations you know who will be interested in participating to be encouraged to participate and contribute.

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By its nature this is potentially a large scale project. This will occur as more business services are listed on the website and more use will be made of them. As it develops to become a large-scale local and national project it will therefore be able to provide more and more benefits.

As this use increases grows the website will be used more extensively across Australia. It has a scalable structure that has factored in this anticipated growth. It will also have the potential to be applied internationally.

In this way it will increasingly have significant impact in the areas needed by helping to facilitate the needs of the ‘”sleeping giants” in Australia.

Further website business development

As outlined, in order for the website to have the capacity to deliver on these objectives in the next phases, and to complete some further development requirements and complete other milestones other resources are needed. This is because it is by its nature a collaborative project  and contributions are needed through this further stage to build its capacity to reach these objectives.

The business will also during this period be developed further as a social business enterprise with a different structure to carry out both its commercial and non-commercial functions.

Adding value to business services

The special value features provide businesses with many ways for them to add more value to their business services listed on the website. It is easy for businesses to create and add more value to their services this way. They can also use the website to highlight the special value of their existing business services.

The benefits can be, for example, savings, reduced costs, extra services, extra items, customised services, a gift, a donation, or other benefits they add when listing their services.

Adding value to create more customer satisfaction

Importantly, by adding more value to their business services by using special value features businesses can now provide more benefits with each transaction to their general customers, business or stakeholder customers to create more customer satisfaction.

(a) Customer example

Special value feature: a gardening and landscaping service business includes a free gardening advisory service with each new job worth over $150.00 for customers (value: $30.00 for new customers only).

(b) Community-based example

Special value feature: a business could add a feature to their services so that a donation is sent to a community program as part of a services transaction, for example, a donation to the Save the Tasmanian Devil program.

(c) Community-based example

Special value feature: a business can include a deduction from a transaction to be forwarded to a stakeholder.

Businesses must ensure when they list their services that each of their listed business services links to one of more special value features. In this way businesses can add value and benefits for their customers every time a website transaction or service is completed.

Adding value to make a difference by giving back to communities

It is important many types of businesses or organisations and their employees are involved. This is because by using the special value features this way businesses can make a positive difference to benefit stakeholders their causes or their programs such as;

  • charities;
  • social organisations (eg; employment, care, disability, health, indigenous and relief organisations);
  • community organisations (eg; public interest organisations an entities);
  • environmental organisations (eg; flora, fauna, built and natural environments, air, water, animal care, energy);
  • industry, business and employee representative organisations for both sectors (including products, services, business, innovation);
  • cultural and event organisations (eg; support of events, communities and their heritage); and
  • other stakeholder organisations.


Making a difference with each transaction

By providing more benefits to customers or to stakeholders this way businesses can increase the satisfaction of their customers. This way a positive impact can be made every time a website transaction or service is completed; - there can be a positive difference with every transaction!

Giving back even more to communities

There are further website functions that can be developed and when fully implemented will be able to provide even more options for businesses to use to create more value-based benefits for their customers or for stakeholders.

For example, a special value feature can be set up so businesses can forward to a selected stakeholder(s) part of a payment (micro payment) for their services it has received from a customer. This can be set up to apply every time a payment is made to the business for a listed service. It could be, for example, 1 percent of the total sale amount of each transaction.  This special value feature could be applied by a business to one or more of its listed business services.

These features can be customisable so the amount, the nominated stakeholder, frequency of payment arrangement(s) (ie; ‘one-off’ or recurring payment) and other elements can be changed or the arrangement stopped (minimum micro % or dollar amounts will apply). Customers can also make similar arrangements to forward financial contributions to stakeholders as part of the same or a separate process when they purchase via the website.

The giving back model can work in different ways

The following are examples of how effective and beneficial programs can be to give back to communities and their stakeholders.

(i) Small/micropayments programs

Processes to collect micro payments from many contributors are very effective when there are efficient ways to process them and then apply the collective contributions to projects. For example;

- Colony 47 and Foundation 47: or

- The Footprints Network:  “.... Having an integrated CSR program allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition, present your brand as responsible and create a tipping point for customers when given a choice. ..... increase the lifetime value of your customer...”

- Spend Well:

(ii) Contributions from annual revenue program

1% For The Planet:  in 2002 two businesses in the USA set up a corporate member environmental donation program, 1% For The Planet.

Corporate members pay an annual subscription amount (approximately 1200 members). By donating 1% of their annual revenue members have donated over $50 million dollars (USD) since 2002 under this environmental program according to its website. Some important mutual benefits for businesses, stakeholders and the environmental are outlined at

Maximising the potential for value creation to give back

Importantly, the website special value features ensure that each listed business service and therefore each transaction includes more value. Therefore, if a business stopped use of special value feature for a service it would need to replace that feature with another one before being able to provide that particular business service again. This ensures only services with additional value can be provided from the website to customers.

More businesses and customers mean more potential value

The website ensures all listed business services will have one or more special value features linked to them. Therefore, the more service providers that are registered on the website the more potential value there is available to provide beneficial outcomes.  

Also, the more potential customers there are the more potential there is for further value to be added to transactions by them and shared.

Therefore, in order to maximise the potential benefits available it is important for many;

  • businesses from both sectors to be encouraged to list their services;
  • potential customers to be involved; and
  • stakeholders to be involved.

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Stage 1   Project research

Research for this project over the previous 2 years has included;

  • reviewing many industry and business, social, stakeholder and customer related trends in Australia, USA, Asia, Europe and elsewhere;
  • detailed review of industry analysis of many online and offline surveys, publications, journals, reports and information from Australia and overseas from government agencies, universities, academic institutions, industry representative bodies, consultants, investment, development and social support businesses and programs and commentators.

For example, the Productivity Commission, IBM, Deloittes, PWC, Oxford Economics, Access Economics; Service Skills Australia, Australian Media and Communications Authority (AMCA), Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), KordaMentha, Sensis, Urbis, Intel, Telstra, Nielsen, Accenture, Social Ventures Australia, The Difference Incubator; other social enterprise programs and businesses,  Net Balance Foundation; TeleTech with Peppers & Rogers Group, Ernst & Young, Choice, Maritz Institute, Harvard Business School, American Marketing Association, OECD, Philanthropy Australia, STREAT, Fair Business, eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, Forrester Research; Pearson Education, MITSloan, Forbes, NGO, (& e-NGO’s), other many other online and offline business and stakeholder information sources;

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Stage 2    Stakeholder issues and challenges

Input from businesses, industry representatives, stakeholders and others on the project. This has been very important to define the nature and scope of the solutions required to the challenges highlighted by them. Where it can, the website has been developed with features in response to those challenges.

Some very important issues and common themes for both sectors is the need to have sustainable sources of financial and other resources so it is possible to develop more;

  • socially inclusive, healthy and educated communities;
  • socially and environmentally responsible products and services;
  • collaboration and sharing of information and resources to build value;
  • longer term economic capacity, capability and resilience;
  • organisational sustainability and efficiencies;
  • longer term community and business relationships and partnering opportunities;
  • sustainable employment opportunities; and
  • capacity to manage social, economic and technological changes; (eg; to take advantage of technological changes such as the increased online sales and increased use of social media to obtain more online payment revenue from transactions by developing micro payment systems etc).


Value-based systems

Where it can, the website has been developed with features in response to those challenges. Some important underlying principles being incorporated into the website in response are;

  • more ways participants can link their contributions or decisions with their values or interests;
  • more ways to motivate people including employees to ‘do good’ (ie; motivated to contribute);
  • more ways for people to give or return benefits to others to improve quality of life issues;
  • strategies to create healthy, skilled and socially inclusive communities;
  • services based on sound social, economic, cultural and environmental values;
  • authentic and transparent procedures;
  • ways to facilitate high levels of and trust in the website services;
  • appropriate control, security, trust and verification related features.


Previous and current stages-social, economic, community and environmental challenges

The current features and those to be developed will lead to the creation of more ongoing benefits for customers, local and national stakeholders. This will create more benefits to give back to communities. This will increase the capacity of communities to address the important social, economic, community and environmental challenges they have on a longer term basis.

As the website is developed further it will be able to help address these challenges more by;

  • providing more ways for more contributions to be made towards the challenges;
  • creating extra opportunities for more corporate social responsibility outcomes;
  • Note: Australian based customers, in particular, in comparison to other countries, have a very high interest in corporate social responsible products and services. However, there is a significant gap between the demand for CSR products and services and their availability.
  • being a way many community, social and environmental programs can be supported;
  • being a way many individuals directly in need can be supported;
  • being a way more value can be gained from the power of extensive networks;
  • bringing the private and community sectors together to collaborate more on the challenges;
  • providing some financial support to stakeholders on a collaborative and sustainable basis;
  • providing commercial and community-based businesses with more business opportunities;
  • providing businesses with more opportunities to acquire and retain customers;
  • providing businesses with more competitive advantages and ways to add business value;

Note: business systems built on competing only on price (eg; price only discounting strategies) is no longer considered a long-term sustainable model for many businesses.


Also, as the website develops further it will also be able create more opportunities for;

  • community organisations to be less reliant on external funding needs;
  • building more community capability and resilience for times of high community demand;
  • creating more employment opportunities for both the community and private sectors;
  • developing long term options for retaining more value for businesses and stakeholders;
  • listing services and products which add more value for more participants more often;
  • registered business to respond to emerging industry trends and technological changes;
  • developing additional revenue streams. For example;
    • products: listing of products for sale with special value features;
    • group purchasing: having extensive networks of participants will provide a sound basis for group purchasing efficiencies. These can focus on local and regional arrangements and can provide benefits for customers, businesses, stakeholders and local economies;
    • free delivery services: working with businesses currently developing free services for some deliveries to reduce delivery expenses and product costs and obtain savings;
    • social procurement services: developing services to access procurement savings;
    • employment, training and skills development services relating to listed business services;
    • environmental products and services;
    • information and technological services;



Free business registration

Business can now use the free registration process to list their business services on the website. There are many different types of services that can be used and many ways to add more value to them using the special value features. More information and free assistance to set up business member accounts or profiles is available here: register your business here.



Shared value system

The Discover Special Value website uses a shared value system designed to bring together businesses (both private sector and social or community-based businesses) and their customers, stakeholders and others to create positive social, economic, community and environmental outcomes by giving back to communities.  

The website features make it possible for more value to be created, and then for that extra value to be added to business services listed on the website. This means this additional value can be provided as different types of benefits.

The creation of shared value can be very effective in linking powerful common values and interests amongst the community of users to create benefits.

This shared value system results in many beneficial outcomes as more ongoing;

  • business and customer value;
  • social and community value; and
  • environmental and cultural value.


[Note: This is not a ‘deals’ or discount type of business system as it is based on a different business model].

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Sharing and collaboration

Although price and convenience are very important factors in purchasing decisions many customers also take into account broader ‘value’-based factors (eg; CSR factors) and ‘value for money’ when making decisions.

There are also strong customer and business trends towards collaboration in many domestic and commercial activities such as sharing of knowledge, resources, expertise and services. This is because collaboration is an important and increasingly popular way for many persons to create more value or benefits for themselves or for other purposes.


In this way customers and others can connect their purchasing decisions more closely with their underlying values and interests. They can then be more motivated to complete purchase processes and contribute more to social, community or environmental outcomes (eg; motivated not to discontinue an online purchase process; motivated to contribute to stakeholder organisations, their causes or programs).

For these reasons the website services are being developed so there are many opportunities for collaboration and contributions to be made.

More value creation and more giving back

Collaboration across both sectors and between different groups of customers also builds more value. Therefore, as the website services will potentially be used by large groups of customers, businesses and stakeholders from both sectors this will create more opportunities for value-adding contributions and for the power of these networks to be leveraged for positive outcomes.

From the power of strong committed ‘crowd-based’ networks more capability can then be developed for the important challenges.

Action by participants

Extensive networks linked to the website services and listed business services now need developing across both the private sector and community sectors.

Further information:

Harvard Business School reference;



This mix of social, community, economic, and environmental outcomes can be delivered by separate commercial and non-commercial business processes for the private and public sector elements.

Alternatively, a blended commercial and non-commercial business structure can be used which delivers both private and public sector outcomes. This is an example of how a social enterprise business can operate. This model can also provide more opportunities for collaboration to add and share more value to create sustainable outcomes.

An example of a business structure that is effectively combining commercial and non-commercial functions to deliver social, community, economic, and environmental outcomes for both sectors is the business STREAT from Melbourne. Its efforts were recently recognised at the national social enterprise awards.

A similar social enterprise business model is proposed for the next phases of this project. It is proposed to establish a separate business structure for commercial functions and another separate structure for non-commercial functions.

A third linked business structure will combine both commercial and non-commercial functions and operate as separate trading entity for other business operations. In this way both private and public sector outcomes can be delivered by the new social enterprise business.

**Potential investors, partners and in-kind supporters and needed for this part of the project.

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Website systems and features

Some main website systems and features that have been developed include;

  • features focused on meeting and exceeding customers’ needs;
  • features for developing corporate responsibility and sustainability elements;
  • features combining commercial and non-commercial business activities on the website;
  • features enabling customer, business and stakeholder interactions on the website; and
  • special value features: these add more value based benefits to business services,

For example: savings, reduced costs, extra services, extra items, customised services, a gift, a donation, or other benefits.They can also add value-based benefits to social, community, environmental or other stakeholder services.


Development of systems and features

The systems and features are being developed so they;

  • are flexible, innovative and adaptable;
  • have cost effective fee structures (eg; potential offsetting of fees via savings etc);
  • include corporate social responsibility outcomes;
  • are suitable for listing many types of services and products for purchase or use;
  • can add value or benefits to every business service available from the website;
  • can provide for positive value-based benefits (eg; savings, reduced costs, donations etc);
  • are scalable and can be used in all locations by different customers and businesses;
  • can be used by both commercial businesses and non-commercial businesses;
  • can provide ways for increased customer loyalty over longer periods of time,
  • can provide ways to reduce costs to acquire new customers or retain existing customers;
  • can help businesses differentiate their services from other services (eg; based on ‘value’);
  • can benefit all customers and other participants that are not customers (ie; website users);
  • have long term strategies instead of short term timeframes (eg; NFP grant funding terms);
  • can assist businesses in meeting emerging technological and other economic challenges;
  • can add business value before during and after the completion of transactions;
  • can assist businesses in generating employment and employment opportunities;
  • provide for the review, measuring, rating and ranking of listed business services;


General customers

Important features focus on the needs of the customers. There are many potential general customers, for example,

  • purchasers of services from commercial or social enterprise/community businesses;
  • persons that use stakeholder services (eg; social or community services participants);
  • persons that use the website as browsers or for general use (ie; as non-purchasers); and
  • persons that contribute value to stakeholders directly or indirectly (eg; volunteers).

All persons who are potential purchasers or users of the website services and business services have important roles in the value creation and sharing process in different ways.

As they will obtain more value with their services, have opportunities for customised services and opportunities to give back to their communities and stakeholders they are more likely to have their purchase and services expectations met and exceeded. Therefore they are more likely to remain engaged, loyal and contribute more.

As motivated longer term customers they are more likely to collaborate, add value and share the added benefits by giving back. These and other factors are important to acquiring new customers, retaining existing customers and long-term business value and business sustainability.

Businesses and special value features

There are many private sector small-medium services based businesses and many social enterprise or community-based businesses in Australia.

When commercial businesses register their business services they also need to include special value features. One or more special value feature(s) need to be included with each of their listed services for sale or use from the website.

Also, the benefits from the relevant feature(s) need to be included with each of the completed services they provide. Special value features will help businesses to differentiate and promote their services and increase their competiveness.

Community-based businesses and stakeholders

The website can feature and promote stakeholders, their causes, projects and their programs.

There are many stakeholder organisations and stakeholder businesses that can register, create a profile and list their services.

They can then provide services to other participants or receive value-based benefits via the website. For example, an organisation could receive micro payments (percentage of sale transaction amounts) from particular transactions, receive donations or other types of benefits.

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Customers’ needs for services is increasingly the main way business revenue is generated in the emerging services-based economic environment. Many customers are also increasingly using online services, making value-based purchasing decisions, and making decisions to purchase or use services following research using technology and by collaboration with others.

High proportions of Australian customers (over 70%) want to purchase and use products and services which align with their core values and interests and which are socially and environmentally responsible. However, there is a significant gap between these expectations and what is in fact available.


Existing trends indicate that businesses that effectively connect and collaborate with their customers and stakeholders can generate improved return on investment and generate high social returns on investment (SROI). These trends are growing as the market develops further.

Businesses using collaborative business systems and other ways to connect with their customers and stakeholders can have longer-term competitive advantages and improved business sustainability outcomes. This will lead to vibrant local economies.

Therefore, there are many advantages for businesses to list their services on the website and this will include opportunities to offset fees by gaining savings or other benefits from their use of the website services. 



Website services

Many customers have strong preferences for receiving customised less intensive marketing. The marketing of the website services and listed business services will reflect those preferences. A main strategy is feature-based marketing promoted locally and nationally.

Incentive based marketing

The value and benefits of special value features also provide for cost effective, incentive based marketing (ie; inbound marketing strategies).

Therefore, marketing will highlight the special value features and their benefits such as the;

  • added value and benefits of listed business services and products, and
  • contributions (giving back) to communities and stakeholders, and the results of those contributions.


Business and stakeholder marketing

The involvement and collaboration of stakeholders, businesses (both sectors), customer advocates, partners, sponsors, networks and other supporters will add significant value to campaigns and campaign participants in a number of important ways (eg; brand value; business reputation etc).

Marketing for stakeholders and businesses will include promotion of services, products, causes, events, initiatives and campaigns (either separately or in conjunction with existing campaigns).

Promotional marketing strategies

Marketing of listed businesses and stakeholders will use a combination of paid and unpaid marketing strategies, for example, the website, other websites, social media, word of mouth, referrals, newsletters, streaming, networks, sponsorship relationships, ambassadors, advocates and other strategies.


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Contact details


Telephone: 0411095335

Contact Discover Special Value here

Hobart, Tasmania.