Crowdfunding - Funding Goals




CAMPAIGN:  link to crowdfunding campaign 




Crowdfunding project  find out how this project can help make a difference

Reasons to support the project  as a collaboarative project it needs more support 

Rewards  find out about rewards for contributions and for passing onto others

Rewards list

Project management


Funding Goal

There are important reasons for the project to reach its Funding Goal. If this goal is reached then funds that are contributed above the Funding Goal amount will be applied to the actions listed in other ‘stretch’ goals (Stage 2). These are set out below showing which further actions will be undertaken.

Maximising the difference to be made and to give back with each transaction

Did you know that for every $dollar invested in social business enterprise actions has a potentially large multiplier effect (eg; it could be 4 x the investment or more depending on what the investment is). This means there is a lot of scope for doing good with any level of investment that is made. This is also the same principle behind the development of a small/micropayments system.

Meeting Funding Goal

The Funding Goal actions listed below are all important. Actions are set out for further marketing to reach the level of participation needed and for technical development of the systems including the small/micropayments system needed to move this project forward to reach its targets.

As funding is received it will be used for the actions in the order they are listed below.

Not meeting Funding Goal

If the campaign does not reach its Funding Goal ($4000) then funding will be applied to the actions in the same order until it used.  This Funding Goal is an amount needed for the development actions listed here. The Funding Goal is set at an amount to give the campaign an opportunity to meet its goal because if it does not, then more administration costs will apply (ie; 9% of funding goal will be deducted). 

Therefore, if the goal is not reached this higher deduction will diminish the crowdfunding amount available.  If the goal is reached 5% is deducted and not 9%. So this is another reason for making sure the Funding Goal is reached. 

Exceeding the Funding Goal

However, if the contributions meet the Funding Goal then other contributions can still be made because other development work is still required. If the Funding Goal is reached then funds received above that amount will be applied to the actions listed in Stage 2. See further information here.

These further actions or ‘stretch goals’ will be undertaken if further funds are therefore contributed. This will be great because with more crowdfunding for more actions to be undertaken there will be more positive impacts and more return for stakeholders and their communities.

This also means that with more contributions there will be more rewards and therefore more free promotions available.

Project overview


























This project is also for promoting and acknowledging important contributions. All contributors to the campaign Funding Goal will be acknowledged on the website. Rewards are designed to both acknowledge important contributions and give back to supporters and local communities in different ways.

Therefore, when you, your business or your organisation contributes to the project you can give something back by using the free promotional opportunities your rewards provide. 

Free promotions from contributions

There are free promotions available for campaign supporters. These are to promote on the website the important work stakeholders carry out and promote and acknowledge the important work of their volunteers, business supporters and other stakeholder supporters. You can help this way to give something extra back for them.

Also, there are other free promotions available to promote value-added products and value-added services of registered businesses. 

There are also opportunities to gain additional promotions and then give them to businesses or stakeholders so they can use the free promotions to show how they are making a difference.

More information

Find out about reasons to support the campaign.


FUNDING GOALS  - making a difference with each transaction

  • FUNDING GOAL: $4000




During the campaign raising $4,000.00 will help to achieve the following;

(1A) Marketing

To further develop the initial group of people, potential customers, registered businesses and registered stakeholders needed to create a network of participants for the project to be effective by continuing the process of achieving the targeted number needed (first 100 business registrations will be free). Find out more here

Budget: $1500.00


(1B) Technical modifications and development of processes

Further development to improve some website functions; modification to improve how services are displayed on pages; modification for improvements for internal messaging process; testing and completion. Find out more here

Budget: $1000.00


Account Dashboard







(1C) Financial system integration including small/micropayments

Stage 1: Further scoping and mapping of processes and design of framework. Find out more here  System: examples

Budget: $1500.00




Stage 1 Funding Goal: $4000.00

If the following funding goals are reached funding can continue and be used for the Stage 2 Funding Goals which would be great!

(1A) Marketing

Stage 1 Marketing: To further develop the initial group of people, potential customers, registered businesses and registered stakeholders needed to create a network of participants for the project to be effective by continuing the process of achieving the targeted number needed (first 100 business registrations will be free).

Budget: $1,500.00

Targeted local and national (Australia) marketing campaigns for;

  • promoting the website services via online and offline services, direct and indirectly; variety of media (inc, video; newspaper feature; lower cost radio arrangement via stakeholder); presentations at July/August seminars; preparation of materials/resources for distribution to both sectors; campaign monitoring etc;
  • creating business and stakeholder awareness of the benefits of registration and of featured marketing services available for their services;
  • creating business and stakeholder awareness of other marketing services to promote their services via the website (eg; promotion of their value-added services, events, causes etc);
  • raising awareness the project is a collaborative project and therefore requires further;
  • collaboration and resources;
  • sponsors and partnering;
  • business development and planning;
  • relationship development in both sectors.


(1B) Technical modifications and development of workflow processes

Stage 1 Development: Further development to improve some website functions; modification to improve how services are displayed on pages; modification for improvements for internal messaging process; testing and completion.

 Budget: $1000.00


(1C) Stage 1:  Financial system integration

Stage 1 Integration: Further scoping and mapping of processes and design of framework.

  • further scoping of the integration requirements for services processes (and for products);
  • mapping all services processes from start to finish including payment processing steps;
  • designing the workflow framework and structure for services processes, payments and for small/micropayment deductions.


 Find out more here      System: examples


Budget (Stage 1): $1,500.00


The website uses the Braintree financial management system for some current financial requirements but is not yet fully integrated with this system to process services payments online.

Integration requirements

The website will require further integration with the Braintree financial management system to enable processing of payments and small automated payments (micropayments) online for completed sales of services products. No storage of payment or banking information on the website will occur as part of this development as payments will be processed by Braintree in its own secure system.

Therefore, further development work is needed to;

  • integrate the current Braintree financial system further with existing online services; and
  • incorporate the proposed micro payments system.  


The development is proposed as a two-stage process as follows;

Development: Stage 1

  • further scoping of the integration requirements for services processes (and for products);
  • establishing the minimum practical amount for payments deducted as a % of the total sale amount;
  • mapping all services processes from start to finish including payment processing steps;
  • designing the workflow framework for services processes, payments and for small/micropayment deductions;


Development: Stage 2

(there is no storage of payment or banking information on the website at any stage).

  • method of forwarding these payments to stakeholders as part of the process in ways which have low transaction processing cost impacts;
  • integration and implementation with the website services processes;
  • preparation and completion of administration processes and invoicing templates;
  • testing and refinement of integrated processes;
  • implementation of integration phase and testing;
  • completion phase and provision of processing support services.


More information

Find out about reasons to support the campaign and campaign rewards.



If the Funding Goals ($4000) is reached funding can continue and will be used for the following actions;

(2A) Marketing (Stage 2)

Continuation of Stage 1 marketing to customers, registered businesses and stakeholders for sign ups to build network and develop capacity for more paid services/revenue. Find out more here

Budget: $2,500.00


(2B) Financial system integration including small/micropayments (Stage 2)

Completion of next phase for integration of payments system including micropayments for Stage 2; completion of scoping of integration requirements for product inventories. Find out more here

Budget (Stage 2): $5,000.00


(2C) Social business enterprise; structure and development

Investigation and completion of a strategy for developing a revised social business enterprise structure including scoping and modelling with further professional advice. This action to provide a recommended structure, transition steps involved and completion stages for implementing a revised structure. Find out more here

Budget (Stage 1): $3,500.00


More information

Find out about reasons to support the campaign and campaign rewards.



If the first stage funding goals are reached funding can continue and will be used for the following actions which would be great!

Raising $11,000.00 will help to achieve the following;


(2A) Marketing

Continuation of Stage 1 marketing to customers, registered businesses and stakeholders for sign ups marketing strategies to promote and highlight the many important contributions made by people, businesses and stakeholders.

Budget: $2,500.00


(2B) Financial system Integration 

Stage 2 Integration

Complete the next stage for integration of financial payment system (Braintree system)  based on design framework (including smaller/micropayments) from Stage 1 including scoping of integration requirements for product inventories; testing and completion. Actions;

  • integration and implementation with the website services processes;
  • preparation and completion of administration processes and invoicing templates;
  • testing and refinement of integrated processes;
  • implementation of integration phase and testing;
  • completion phase and provision of processing support services.
  • (there is no storage of payment or banking information on the website at any stage).


Budget: $5,000.00


(2C) Social business enterprise model

Scoping of a social business enterprise structure for existing business.

Budget: $3500.00

The business Discover Value manages the website and operates as a social business enterprise. As the business develops as a social business enterprise it is necessary to further develop its business structure to manage the transition and scaling of the business functions.

Further scoping is required for investigating the most suitable long-term revised business structure and how it will be implemented. This will be an ongoing medium to longer-term part of the project.

This part of the project will investigate the most suitable long-term social business enterprise business structure to create;

  • a separate commercial entity and separate non-commercial entity for the different commercial and non-commercial functions of the business. These entities will be separate from each other but have a common purpose being the fulfilment of the objectives of the social business enterprise as set out in the Vision. This investigation will be to maximise the social and other impacts that can be made from the business activities to give back with each transaction;
  • a third business entity as the trading business to carry out the daily operations of the business as required by both the other entities. This trading business entity will therefore have a mix of both commercial and non-commercial responsibilities and report to the other entities.


CAMPAIGN:  link to crowdfunding campaign 

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